The birth of S.Giovanni d’Asso and the village grouped around the ancient castle and the romanesque gem as S.Pietro in Villore, goes back to the high middle ages during the century characterized by the phenomenon of the incastellamento.
This castle is made up of three buildings originated from the union of other buildings erected over the centuries in which to enclose a countryard inside. The building, constructed of limestone and bricks dating to different periods ranging from mid 1100 to late 1400.
The territory, nestled among the rolling Crete Senesi and the fascinating Val d’Orcia framed by enchanting olive groves, woods, cultivated fields, is enriched by farmhouses, small ancient village and castle.
S.Giovanni d’Asso nowdays is best know for its prized white truffle.
S.Giovanni d’Asso infact has always taken quot of this misterious fruit as the best testimonial of excellence enhancing quality of the least know of the precious tuber: its being severe environmental sentinel.
This small medieval town, dedicated to this precious tuber the first museum in Italy whose visit is an experience for all the sense. Every year on the second and third week end of November during the Mostra Mercato del Tartufo Bianco delle Crete Senesi the very precious tuber is celebrated whit some special tasting and events themed on truffle.